JESUS JR. (prison art of John
Ellis) at FocalArt Gallery. Folk Art, Outsider and
Self-Taught artists.
Jr 2
This group of 26 pieces is offered as a collection |
"Two Girls on My Arm"
14 x 11
Colored pencil on paper
JesusJr008 |
"Sash Dancers"
11 x 8 1/2
pencil and crayon on paper
JesusJr007 |
"Two Nudes"
16 x 13 3/4
pencil and crayon on paper
"One on One "
14 x 10 1/2
pencil and crayon on paper
JesusJr024 |
11 x 8 1/2
pencil and crayon on paper
JesusJr022 |
"Two Jacksons"
11 x 8 1/2
pencils and on paper
JesusJr017 |