Kyle  Ferrell
2005   CCPAA  Grad

  Thanks CCPAA

Kyle's moving on
to the
University of San Diego


How did he get
so far down the road
so fast ?


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"To begin my life with the beginning of my life,  I record that I was born."        Kyle sprang from 1986 San Diego,  not 19th Century England like Charles Dickens'  young protagonist.   But at times,  you could almost imagine  ....  well,    I digress.  

This was the way Kyle looked before all us parents  and edjucators got a hold 'a him and got him a good and proper edjucation.
(with apologies to Roger Waters)

Kyle's been going to one school or another for close on 16 years.
      Here are some things his early teachers had to say about him along the way.

"Kyle's exuberance and  curiosity are wonderful to see.  Kyle enjoys working in his journal and spends at least 20 minutes a day writing."  

Wendy Labinger,
Kindergarten Teacher
  The Gillispie School


Maureen Fielden
The Gillispie School

"Kyle is known in his class as an authority for nature questions."

"Kyle is one of the top students in the class .  His ability to grasp the mathematical concepts presented is exceptional."  

Michael Whelen
First Grade

  Wendy Labinger
Second Grade


"Kyle has such an enthusiastic attitude about the world's wonders, especially in the areas of science and social studies."

"He especially enjoys the quirky facts."

"Kyle continues to take pride in delivering interesting and thought provoking ideas."  

Laura Vickers
Third Grade

  Margie Edwards
Fifth Grade
"With his work ethic and intellectual curiosity,  Kyle is bound to succeed."
Kyle has "incredible enthusiasm."

Michael Whelen
Fifth Grade

  Andrea Brunson
Sixth Grade
"Kyle is an innately talented writer whose love of literature has afforded him a phenomenal vocabulary
...whose creativity and attention to detail far exceed the requirements.
"Kyle is a brilliant student....  He is kind hearted, amiable and one of the most ethical students I know."

Claudia Garcia
Sixth grade

  Adam Nolan
Seventh Grade
Rancho Encinitas Academy
"Kyle is a very gifted student....his peers view him as a mentor for new concepts"


"I don't know what the big deal is all about.  I taught him everything he knows." 

R.A. Doll
Resident Nag Emeritus
Ferrell household



Kyle, as told by Kyle,
                as told by Kyle,
                        as told by Kyle

I am:   

    "fast as a rabbit                                                    

            an outdoor kid

                    neat and clean

                            quiet as a mouse


                                            eat like a bird

                                                    a morning person."          








"One thing that makes me special is that I am different." 
Age 7,  recorded December,1993




"The best thing about me is I like myself."     
                               First grade  
1992  Favorites......

color:           blue
pet:              my fish
restaurant    Chuck-E-Cheese
clothes        any blue shirt
class           computer
song            "If I Had a Hammer"
 Peter Paul & Mary

Kyle Ferrell,  age 6,  


"If I could change one thing about school,  I wouldn't let spelling tests be allowed."       Kyle Ferrell,  age  7  (and probably at age 9, 11,  13, 16, 18



A six-year-old  looks to his future:

"I think it would be fun when I am older to be a baby sitter,   because I like children.      I think this would be a great job  because I know a lot about children,    because I am a child.   I do not think it would be fun to be a Dead Possum Man.  A profession with which Kyle had a passing encounter while living in Australia  during 1989 and 1990.  

The story begins:

"It was a dark and stormy night and something was making the racket of a dying man clawing his way down through the ceiling about to fall right on top of us in the family room.   The terrible scratching and labored breathing drowned out every other sound in the room. "    

"Here are five things  that tell about me:
        very loud
          sometimes mad/sometimes sad
              glasses   ...  

and one thing that makes me very special is that I know a lot about science." 
         Age 8,   recorded March 1995




Kyle on his   early education:

  "Goo ....  ga,  woof,  roar, growl,  baaaaah,  ouch,  off'a my paw "  
Kyle,  age 6 months, 
exploring linguistics
with his first teachers.


"Baa Ram Ewe, Baa Ram Ewe ... or ... G'day Mate."   The polite forms of greeting taught at Kyle's first school in Australia.               
"I think it would be fun to learn more about nature and science"  Age 6  
  "My favorite thing about our classroom  is the computer room is right by our room."    1st Grade

"I know a lot about science."    Second grade



"When I'm on stage I sometimes feel nervous and on
report card day,  I sometimes feel frightened." 
                                                                                              Second Grade,  age 8












"Science is my favorite subject."   - third grade -  "I want to get more science and more Mighty Max's."  


"The worst thing about being me is I have homework."   


Kyle,  age 9 - 4th grade  (and 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10, 11th, 12th,  college, 
                                                                 grad school,  throughout life in general....)


"At school I get grossed out when I look under the lunch tables."
 age 9

"If I could change one thing about school it would be: no math ... and I would have a swimming pool there." 
Kyle, age 10  
  "I felt proud:
   when I got 100% on my vocab and spelling test
       when I got my graduation from kindergarten,
                1st grade and 2nd grade"

  Kyle,  3rd grade,  1996  

"If I were
the teacher,
I would let
my children
all the candy
they wish."

Kyle,  3rd grade


  Kyle   and    High School    

"The biggest mistake I ever made was slipping on a banana peel"  (true story)
"It would be great to be an author and not so great to be a professional athlete."  

"One of the things that makes me different is my writing."
"The best age is 18 because you have more independence."

Recorded:     Senior Year   
May 22, 2005   


The Bernard Pivot  questionnaire is always used by  James Lipton to close his interviews of television and film luminaries on Inside the Actor's StudioBravo Television Network.       

    Kyle was interviewed by his sister Katie

on May 17, 2005

What is your favorite word? watchtower
What is your least favorite word? quagmire
What turns you on? being friendly
What turns you off? snobbery
What sound do you love? glass jar lids popping
What sound do you hate? glass shattering
What is your favorite curse word? fuck
What profession, other than yours, would you like to attempt? author
What profession would you not like to participate in? pro wrestler
If Heaven exists, what would you like God to say, when you arrive at the pearly gates? Nothing. 
If he talks to you it must mean there's a problem.  Also,  I'd  have to take care not to "talk back" to him.


creates stories
with pencils, pens and brushes

                  click these images to see some more 


as told by his family



Brother dear,                                                                    
Its me again,  Hank the Cow dog.
I remember golf course walks in Palm Springs.
I remember playing Play Station II for hours;
me reading when boss fight occurred
and complaining when you journeyed on side quests.
I remember Smokey tours and walking Comet on a leash.
I remember our tree house
and playing Poly Pockets and Mighty Max.
I remember art classes,  history lessons
    and Animè marathons.

You have been a great brother and a great friend.
Congratulations on graduating
and may the force always be with you. 

Ps.  Nermal  is  a  girl !

Your Sister,  Katie 


I'm so happy for you
and proud to be around you. 
My world is so incredibly more stimulating
and fulfilling
with you in it.
I know you'll find fun, freedom and challenge
this Fall at USD.

I love you dearly.

Kyle Ferrell's Dad



To Kyle,  who for the longest time was the
"best boy in the whole boy world,"
and is now the "best young man
in the whole young man world." 
I love the fact that you are very witty
and quite good at word play. 
I love that you have always been a kind person
who would never go further than
"officious intermeddler" to hurt anyone. 
I love that you are a "baby magnet" on airplanes - -
they respond to your gentleness, too,
and that you like to hang out with the cats
at Helen Woodward. 
In a word, Kyle, you are loveable. 

I honor you for your openness,
for your writing ability,
for your excellent school record,
and for the fact that your teachers
have always found you to be curious,
respectful, and ethical. 


You have surprised me in so many ways,
most recently with your moving short story & essay,
your stage presence,
and your spot-on characterizations in "Working." 
I must also mention that you outdid me on "house,"
coming up with all the literary references --
"Fall of the House of Usher,"
"House of the Seven Gables,"
and "Sherlock Ho(l)mes." 
I am going to have to stay sharp to keep up with you. 


Now that I've told you about some of the reasons
why you are so wonderful,
can we talk about your room? 

Love, Mom




All in all,  Kyle's a really good guy  and we love him dearly.  


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